The move by the Guyana government regarding cricket should be applauded

Dear Editor,

I applaud the move made by Attorney General Anil Nandlall, through lawyers for the government, issuing a 21-day ultimatum, to the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB). The ultimatum implores that all records, relating to the failed Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), be rectified, to reflect the interest of Guyana.

Right at the onset, I categorically announce that this is the way to go. Already, Jamaica and Trinidad are following in this vein. The local and regional cricket boards must be held accountable. For too long, these offices have been ‘messing around.’ They are a major contributor to the present decline in West Indies cricket.

In the letter titled: ‘Purported Guyana Cricket Board Shares in West Indies Cricket Board,’ from Fraser, Housty & Yearwood firm, to WICB CEO Ernest Hilaire, it stated that the government “stand willing to provide whatever information and assistance you (WICB) may require to facilitate the process.”

“Should you not rectify your records accordingly within 21 days of the date hereof, our client will assume your refusal to comply with this request and will take such steps, without further notice, as it may be advised.”

This is right and I hope that the WICB will be brought down a peg or two. These officers do not own the players nor the game. In Guyana, the local board was vouched for by quite a few. In fact, the PPP/C took quite a battering from certain sections and by certain writers. Now, these sources are playing ‘silent.’

This latest development comes after the government’s Interim Management Committee (IMC) fully took over the administration of cricket in Guyana. It may have also been sparked after it was learnt that some executives of the GCB had transferred assets of the GCB into a private company, owned and controlled by certain persons. Imagine!

I am thinking that if all the regional boards can call on the WICB to be transparent and accountable, a lot of positive changes will come about.

By the way, Readers, have you noticed that many key positions are held by either businessmen or by erstwhile ‘fringe players.’ I ask that you run a check on the many officials, and see ‘where they have been’ in terms of cricket.

Simple observation will say, if you want to learn batting here in Guyana, then call Rohan Kanhai (if he is up to it) or Alvin Kallicharan. Clive Lloyd is proving quite invaluable. If it is fast bowling, there is Colin Croft, and if it is off-spinning, then go to Lance Gibbs.

This footnote may irk some people, but it is very important. It has to do with the working contract that Clive Lloyd is under. Some have opined that the whole thing is a political machination from the PPP/C. So take some pre-emptive action – let the public know what the details are. If not, this may come too late, after unnecessary damage is done.

Yours truly,

Gilbert Jonathan

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