The Marriott Hotel, legacy of strong leadership

Dear Editor,

I recall the spate of ugly sensationalism promoted by some of our newspapers about the Marriott Hotel, not excluding the politically vile and callous commentators. The fact remains that despite the bad-mouthing the Marriott received from the present Government when it was in the opposition, Guyana can now boast that it has a five-star hotel like the developed and developing countries of our world.

The US embassy in Guyana recently celebrated the 239th Independence Anniversary of the USA. It is not surprising that the Mariott was chosen as the venue for this anniversary celebration. What is important to note, is that many of those who criticised the Marriott establishment and its construction since the inception phase, were present at the celebration. Isn’t this a bit… hypocritical?

The PPP/C left behind a significant achievement: the construction of a five-star hotel in Guyana, in a booming and healthy economy. Sadly the Guyanese people have not attained the 100th day of the APNU/AFC action plan, and Guyana is already headed towards social and economic collapse. This is why over two hundred thousand Guyanese people are happy and excited that Dr Bharat Jagdeo and the PPP/C will be returning to Parliament to once again save Guyana from economic destruction.

They have renewed hope for the future. The de facto Government should be afraid of this energetic and brilliant political team in Parliament since it has proven through its track record that it is worth the trust of the Guyanese people.


Martin Luke

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