The hydro project will cause our country to be transformed

Dear Editor,

More recently, there has been much publicity given by the media to the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, and most of this publicity has been in the form of criticism. In fact, I believe that one newspaper in particular is on a campaign to discredit the project, and is making every effort to ensure it fails. I am convinced that the majority of Guyanese are sensible and they would not fall prey to these efforts.

Editor, as a well- informed Guyanese, I am convinced that the hydro project is good for Guyana. The project is being built on the Kuribrong river and it will have the capacity to provide over 165 megawatts of electricity; and once it is completed, Guyanese can be assured of further development of the other sectors, and the country as a whole. Fluctuating oil prices, political instability and social unrest in some of the major oil producing countries in the world are some of the factors which favour the switch to hydro-power in countries where this kind of facility is available.

It is welcome news that the regional authorities have seen the wisdom of having hydro-power, and already a local engineering company has commenced work on reactivating the Tumatumari hydro- electric station in Region Eight ( Potaro/ Siparuni) as part of a wider plan for industrial development in that region.

Guyana is an ideal location for hydro- power, with all its waterfalls that caress the country’s interior. I agree with one of your previous letter writers who said that because we are dependent on petroleum products for our energy supplies, we are susceptible to rising prices on the world market. Up to last year, the country’s fuel import bill stood at about US$350 million. This figure is very high, and while the government might be looking into matters like these, they need to do more with respect to developing renewable energy sources, which are greatly needed to increase energy security and maintain macro-economic stability.

We have the resources in our many waterfalls to actively embark on a diversification programme to meet our energy needs and provide in excess of those needs as well. Harnessing our hydroelectric resources will make a big difference in the lives of all the people of this country. I therefore urge the authorities to exploit every avenue at their disposal to hasten the process of capping our hydro resources. The president and all the other players involved must now work diligently to deliver on the promises the government has made to the people to make this country a better place for all.

Yours truly,

Michael Gomes

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