by Petamber Persaud
The subject/thrust of the Editorial for the 2018 issue of The Guyana Annual is ‘no idle boast’ and the custodians of the magazine have ensured that this issue lived up to that declaration in every aspect of production including brainstorming stages which moved from actual meetings into the realms of virtual meetings. In fact, the use of the internet played a notable role in the production from announcing the start of production to uploading the rules and regulations of competitions and submission of entries to publishing the shortlists to offering the magazine for sale. It was ‘no idle boast’ that this issue is ‘bigger and better’ by many furlongs. For one, it has placed control into the broad spectrum of a management committee as against leaving it to the confines of a single editor/individual. This is not to cast aspersions on the
ability of the single party but the installation of a management committee was a move to add more value to the publication. Additionally, and a more populist move, was the return of various competitions, a hallmark of this annual tradition. However, the return of the competition aspect was a move to add value in that many of the existing and new competitions were named in honour of local exponents in various art forms, obviously acknowledging their in contribution and legacy.
The full list of competitions offered by this issue of The Guyana Annual are as follows: Dr. Puran Singh Open Short Story, Sheila King Writing Short Story for Children, Bobby Fernandes Award for Photography, Stephanie Correia Award for fine Arts, David De Caries Award for Journalism, Bertram Charles Award for Drama, Hawley Harris Award for Cartoon, and Dr. Tulsi Dyal Singh Oil and Gas Essay Competition. This extensive range of competitions warranted a huge amount of work in each stage of production especially at the adjudication stage which was executed by capable hands namely Dr. Joyce Jonas (Open Short Story), Mr. Alim Hosein (Open Poetry & Sheila King Writing Stories for Children), Mr. Subraj Singh (Open Poetry & Junior Poetry), Ms. Elfrieda Bissember (Stephanie Correia Fine Art), Ms. Denise Hopkinson-Braam (David de Caires Journalism), Mr. Paul Harris (Hawley Harris Cartoon), Mr. Wellesley Davis (Bobby Fernandes Photography), Messrs Christopher Ram & GHK Lall (Tulsi Dyal Singh Oil & Gas), and Ms. Mosa Telford (Bertram Charles Drama).
It was ‘no idle boast’ that this issue is ‘bigger and better’ for instance the book is much thicker and weightier (on many counts). Beginning with the cover which featured a Guyanese literary heavyweight, one of Guyana’s most prolific and ‘original’ novelists, Wilson Harris – what an inspiration for emerging writers! And continuing into the magazine proper with the (return of the) judges’ reports. The reports served many purposes including the main purpose which is of grave and great interest to the competitors. These reports contained notes of interest for the custodians in arranging various competitions especially in regards to the photography, art and drama. One of the judges also raised the need for Guyana to standardize its creolese.
And of course, the prize money packages were bigger and better. That apart for the winners to see his or her name in print, especially for the first, was worth the effort. And all of these things come courtesy of The Guyana Annual which is ‘now snugly into its second century of life’ (Dr. Singh).
And the winners in sequential order are:
Open Short Story –
1. Andrew Hutson
2. Rae Wiltshire
3. Malcolm De Freitas
Junior Short Story –
1. Analise Samaroo
Hon Mention Lucas K. C. Jonas
Sheila King Writing Stories for Children –
1. Kathleen Henriquo
2. David Thomas
3. Adelaja Dalrymple
Junior Poetry –
1. Hadiya Mcbean
2. Brianna Gopie
3. Abike Barker
Open Poetry
1. Scott Ting-A-Kee
2. Francis Farrier
3. Gabrielle Mohamed
Stephanie Correia Fine Art
1. Jermana de Freitas
2. Walter Gobin
Bobby Fernandes Photography
1. Amanda Richards
2. Dwayne Hackett
3. Jarryl Bryan
David de Caires Award for Journalism
Hon Mention – Lucas K. C. Jonas
Dr.Tulsi Dyal Singh Oil & Gas Essay
1. Omari Joseph
3. Vishani Ragobeer
Hon Mention Joenitta Arthur-Mckenzie
Bertram Charles Drama
Rae Wiltshire
Hawley Harris Cartoon Prize
Hon Mention – Chabilall Persaud
Hon Mention – Walter Gobin
Launched in December 1915, the magazine is still a vibrant presence in the lit-scape of this country. In fact, this magazine is the only such outlet and springboard for local writers and artists.
The 2018 issue of The Guyana Annual was launched on Thursday, May 24, 2018, coinciding with Guyana’s Independence celebration, signalling respect for our creators of ideas and images.
Responses to this author telephone (592) 226-0065 or email: oraltradition2002@yahoo.com
(Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)