The government is highlighting the importance of knowing

Dear Editor,
The National Assembly, with support from the United Nations Development Programme, has organised a course in legislative drafting for parliamentarians.
It is a workshop that is expected to bring together about 20 members of Parliament, along with five staff members of the National Assembly.
Areas of emphasis are the legislative function, oversight function, representative functions of Parliament, the secretariat and staff services, parliamentary strengthening instruments, international relations, gender equality, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strengthening of Parliament. If the word is true, then I like what I am hearing.
A second programme is in the air too. This has to do with training in negotiations, crisis management, and alternative dispute resolution. Now, I need to add that ignorance is not an excuse for follies. Even the totally illiterate can make a request for information and explanation.
I hope that these kinds of training sessions are not just ad hoc ones.

Deep regards,
Joshua Killikelly

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