The first X-Man

Satiricus was swinging in his hammock drowsily as he read the letter from Hammerhead Green excoriating the PPCEE on their behaviour in Parliament. After the first line, as he fell asleep, the letter turned into a diary entry.
Dear Diary,
Human history is replete with examples where the behaviour of persons in leadership positions can influence those around them……….
And I must confess, Dear Diary, I was once placed in a position of leadership, and did my best to influence those around me. I don’t like to boast, but I will tell you about a few instances.
Did you hear about the X-Men, Dear Diary? Well, I was the first X-Man, since I was supposed to be in charge of carrying out the X-13 Plan! Ahhhh…those were the days when we could carry out more destruction than they generate with their fancy CGI nowadays in the movies!!
Surely you must’ve heard about Black Friday 1962, Dear Diary? That was the day Martin Carter said a City of Clerks became a City of Men! And I was with them, Dear Diary – influencing them and supplying the gasoline to burn down all the businesses of those PPCEE supporters in Georgetown.
We bombed the Rice Marketing Wharf, we burnt down Star Cinema in my old neighbourhood, and I influenced the young’uns to shout, “Burn baby, burn!!” I influenced so many of our Pee-an-See supporters that burning became a staple of all our protests since!!
My proudest act was to prevent that rabble-rousing history teacher from getting a job at UG. What was the use of hiring him? Hadn’t I written the definitive history of Guyana, “From Pain to Gain”? And I influenced all those people who write nowadays to defend even the rigging by our Pee-an-See!!
But I didn’t only inspire people about public violence, Dear Diary.
Who do you think showed Guyanese men how to deal with their uppity wives?

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