The fire next time

Satiricus is all for people speaking up for their rights. Why! Wasn’t he always arguing with his wife that it was his right to have roti every morning? So what if she sometimes raised her belna at him? A guy had to do what a guy had to do, and Satiricus would do a lot to have his daily roti. But he must say that he became a bit skittish after he heard Audrey Nortin giving his charge to the citizens of Linden.
“De man seh nothin guh pass to de interior!” Cappo was outraged. “Suh deh guh kill out all dem people in the interior just fuh get free electricity?”
“Not free, Cappo,” corrected Satiricus. “They were paying Gy$5 to 7 a kilowatt.”
“Sato me friend, sometime me think yuh na know yuh ass from yuh elbow,” Cappo retorted sharply. “Me a wan canecutter. When me a pay Gy$65 a kilowatt, Gy$5 sound like free to me. Ok?”
“But the people still got a right to protest,” said Satiricus in his placatory way. “But I’m worried about all them hotheads stirring the pot.”
“Budday, people can protest when they are being treated unfairly,” interjected teacher Samad quietly. “If we want to be fair, the rest of the country should be protesting that they were not getting a subsidy for their electricity.”
“Damn right,” jumped in Suresh with a snort. “I’m a salesman travelling all over this country. There are more depressed communities in every part of Guyana. How come they’re not getting subsidy?”
“Sato, you got to see that this is just a fire that the opposition is lighting to get votes,” Kuldeep pointed out. “It’s the KFC that started up this fire just because they want to get back the votes they got in 2006.”
“Yep! I remember when Ram Jhaat tan and Naga Man run down to Linden and stir up the people,” Suresh reminded everyone.
“De KFC gon learn wan good lesson de next election,” Cappo predicted dourly. “It nah good fuh shove yuh foot in every stocking.”
“Tell me something na,” pleaded Bungi. “Abee canetutter de pan out of crop”. Only four day pay. Me want KFC tell whe me gon get money for pay me light bill?”
“KFC start the fire and every week it stoking it,” Kuldeep pointed out. “Last week when they told the government the people will protest, they were really telling the Linden people to protest!”
“Moon does run tell sun ketch am,” pointed out Bungi sagely. “Dem same people who KFC stirring up will never vote fuh dem again.”
“And de canecutter in Berbice watching dem,” agreed his partner Cappo.
“All abee a watch dem,” promised Bungi. “If is any trouble in Linden. Is p.”

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