The Exodus

Satiricus was confused. Once again. Satiricus was a man who believed things ought to go the way it was foretold. There was an order to the universe, was his firm conviction. Now while Satiricus might not be the most pious fella out there, he’d attended his fair share of Sunday school classes and if the truth be told, he’d rather enjoyed the stories.

He especially liked the battle scenes – of which there were more than enough to satisfy his rather gory youthful imagination. Satiricus had particularly enjoyed the story of Moses. Poor boy discovers his roots and stands up for justice. He leads his people into the Promised Land, full of milk and honey and all that.

Young Satiricus’ mind had run a bit wild at this point, imagining all the goodies that could’ve been found there.

He didn’t care too much for milk and honey, but imagined that there would be a lot of “sweeties”. Now Satiricus wasn’t so simple to believe that thing would happen exactly the same way as before. But Jeez! He felt the main storyline ought to be followed! Here it was Moses had actually left the PPCEE land of milk and honey and departed to KFC – the land of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. This was backwards! And he hadn’t taken anyone with him. He’d gone alone. Satiricus had felt Moses must’ve been bribed by Pharaoh Rum Jhaat. And he was sorely disappointed.

But sooner or later, Moses would realise what Rum Jhaat was doing to all his people who’d come into the land of KFC before him. Satiricus had faith in Moses. Hadn’t Moses heard Comrade Cheddi speak from a burning blacksage bush in Rupununi when no one else heard? So when Satiricus finally heard the news of the Exodus from the KFC – starting from far-off New York, he felt happy.

Surely Moses would be there somewhere with his people – starting the trek back to the Promised Land of milk and honey. But with every passing day, Satiricus’ hopes grew dimmer – even as the Exodus grew. And because Moses wasn’t there, the people were heading for the land of GrainJa, thinking it was the land with grains.

Little did they know that land was ruled by a worse Pharaoh. Why, even over in the land of the sugar cane, the ambitious Charan Rass had joined the Exodus! And he had announced he was going to “wild up”!! This was just as bad as creating a golden calf! Satiricus wondered when the bolt of lightning would hit Moses? Maybe at the next elections?

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