The end of the WPA?

Dear Editor,
I believe the greatest disappointment for Guyana was the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), joining forces with the People’s National Congress (PNC) in a coalition. I used the term “was” in describing the WPA because that entity is no more, they are a spent force, one which has lost its relevance and importance to society, the greatest casualty to hit national headlines. Can anyone tell me what importance this political association holds in society? The answer is none, because this ragtag grouping is now groping in the wilderness trying in every which way they can to utter a feeble voice of reasonableness before its deathbed.
The reality behind Guyana’s political coalition was that there was never an Alliance For Change, that party was an appendage or extension of the PNC. With Trotman being the main figure, he was the mover and shaker of everything in that grouping. That left us with the WPA, who was the only stabilising force where educated discussions were concerned, or so we thought.
The WPA is a party made up of educated people who should have lent a sobering balance to the coalition, but we were mistaken in our assessment of the sensibilities of these gentlemen in its midst. Subsequent events did substantiate my claim because that one real voice – the WPA – became no voice at all when the PNC unleashed its bullyism.
So, let us follow the sequence of events: When the WPA joined the coalition, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine was handpicked by David Granger to represent that party in Government. What clearer message did the WPA want, than to have their point man in Government fired and put into a humiliating place on the death anniversary of its party’s leader? Further display of dictatorial prowess is the fact that when their party’s representative at the Guyana Elections Commission died and had to be replaced, Granger again picked a successor of his own choosing. Fantastic! The last straw was the ban on Dr David Hinds from publishing in the State’s newspaper, which is further proof of the domineering attitude of the PNC in forcing the lifeblood out of its subordinates.
All of those atrocities, Dr Hinds is prepared to accept because he, like Moses Nagamootoo, would rather hang on to power no matter the cost.
Finally, this “water-boy” mentality of Hinds was bound to show up sooner rather than later because he is a supremacist, who can do no better than make shameless apologies for his supremacist friends. So, he keeps on churning out these meaningless diatribes of a People’s Progressive Party’s alleged misrule. Although Hinds claims to be a “freed black” and one who speaks his mind, the gist of what he is saying speaks to the contrary.
I hope Hinds and the others in the WPA face the full reality that their party is a colossal failure and needs to carry out a requiem mass.

Neil Adams

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