The Diamond hospital and its high rating

Dear Editor,
The good news and the bad sometimes go together. This is so where the Diamond Diagnostic Centre is concerned. It got a very high rating when representatives of the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Social Services inspected it and served out an 80 per cent rating, stating that they were pleased with the condition of the facility.
All agree that it was the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) that should be knocked a bit. The members need to shape up. Everyone within an organisation is important and if the RDC can latch on to this idea, then things will improve now at Diamond. Note, I am pinpointing things that are basically non-medical. The medical aspect was okay.
For example, it was recommended that there be a facelift and improved management to bring the hospital up to where it should be.
One such initiative is that of basic tree-planting in the compound. Then there is the issue of the replacement of tiles and seats in the various waiting areas so as to create a good first impression.
I recall visiting a doctor’s office right in Guyana. The wise practitioner had all kinds of medical paintings on one of his walls. He explained that an art student did it just for practice.
Imagine. A thing like this can be thought of for so many offices and building. Many art students would just love this idea, that is, to get to paint on a real wall. Many times, they will do it for free too, but a token is always in order.
I trust that the people at the Diamond health facility will keep their good work up and get better in those weak areas.
Yours sincerely,
Resident of Diamond Name withheld by request

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