The current Agriculture Minister has done little to improve the sector over the past year

Dear Editor,

It was reported in the news media on April 12 that Agriculture Minister Noel Holder has flown to Costa Rica and was accompanied by the Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority and the General Manager of the Guyana Marketing Corporation to discuss support for the agricultural sector in Guyana.

Tourism is the main foreign exchange earner for Costa Rica with bananas, pineapples and coffee as its major agricultural crops. It has no livestock development. Guyana’s main agricultural crops are sugar and rice. Their improved productivity can only come through mechanisation, development of high yielding plants and lower labour costs. Competitiveness has to come from lower cost of production. Hence there is no commonality with respect to the agricultural sector between the two countries and, therefore it is difficult to comprehend as claimed, that the objectives of Minister Holder’s visit are to improve productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector thereby contributing to the development and well-being of the rural population since the crops grown by each country are dissimilar.

Minister Holder has been in office for nearly a year, done little so far and has no comprehensive plan to develop and improve agriculture, the most important sector in Guyana.

The sugar industry is in a downward spiral with no alternative plan in sight for its rescue, particularly for Wales Estate and its impending displaced workers. The Hope Canal is still not functional as per its design requirements.

President Granger should let the poor people of Guyana know why so many of his Ministers with large entourages are making frequent expensive overseas trips which the country could ill afford to achieve marginal benefits while neglecting to address the problems at home for which they were appointed to resolve. “Charity begins at home” and, therefore, our elected representatives should not be allowed to make luxurious trips abroad for questionable purposes and no clear-cut objective to benefit the country.

Yours truly,

Charles Sohan

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