The CNS Channel Six suspension

Dear Editor,

In many ways, I am quite happy that President Jagdeo made an amendment to the ban imposed on CNS Channel Six. The suspended sentence will not reduce the severity of Mr Sharma’s blunder, but it will quell the negative and complaining voices of all those who were saying that the ban was a political move from the PPP/C quarters. President Bharrat Jagdeo explained that his action was taken to “take away any excuse they (opposition members) have to create violence and enmity, or to boycott the elections.” This news was made public at the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) rally in Kitty.

According to President Jagdeo, who is the minister with portfolio responsibility for information, the lifting of the suspension for two months will now be resumed on December 1(but will still have the full duration).

I consider this move to be quite mature, and it also reflects great confidence.

President Jagdeo has shown that even though he has the power to act, he can put aside that legitimate power and act in a very nationalistic way.

When the ban took effect at 18:00h on October 3, vigils and public meetings were held at various places, with opposition and civil society figures calling for the station’s return on air.

They conjured up all kinds of reasons, even though the blunder from the television station owner was not a “first time” act.

So the President, even though he acted wisely and in the best interest of the country, quite rightly slammed those opposition parties, who were using the issue, as an excuse to boycott the upcoming elections.

Mr Sharma came under scrutiny and criticism for airing a pre-recorded commentary on May 4, in which Anthony Vieira made remarks, suggesting that President Jagdeo and a Hindu priest were involved in a “conspiracy” to remove a Christian programme from the airwaves. The said programme also contained remarks made by Sharma which allegedly slandered the character of Bishop Juan Edghill.

Mind you readers, the programme was re-aired, so there is some hint of mischief in Sharma’s behaviour.

In closing, I am left to wonder what “excuse” the Opposition will now fabricate for trouble creation. To me, Sharma is gullible, and he is being used. He does not realise it, but I hope he finds out quickly that many may lead one into Hell, but would not go there themselves. Even Sharma’s “supposedly” ardent fanatics make mockery of him, and from all aspects too – visage, politics, attire and of course language.

Yours sincerely,

Raymond Alli-Shaw

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