The chips are down

Dear Editor,

I knew that before long the chips would come down, and some people would get frantic, and in desperation, do foolish things and make irresponsible utterances which would land them in calamitous straits.

This was exactly the case with the Stabroek News, and Dr Rupert Roopnarine of the opposition grouping – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

It is generally known that when desperation steps in people turn to different actions, and in so doing, throw caution to the wind, and find themselves walking the razor’s edge. This might have very well been the situation with Dr Roopnarine when he aroused the wrath of Irfaan Ali’s Ministry of Housing and Water, by remarks he made during a recent rally of the opposition grouping.

The remarks which the minister views uncomplimentary were later reproduced by the Stabroek News. Having not taken too kindly to the remarks, which according to Ali insults Islam, and were a clearly racist attack on his ancestors, he has now moved to the courts, suing both Dr Roopnarine and the Stabroek News.

Editor, I do not know the minister personally, but I read about him in the newspapers and saw him on quite a few occasions on television.

Editor, at a time like this when elections could be called at any time, this APNU member, by his remarks exhibited his political immaturity and lack of foresight and one now gets a better understanding why the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) which has now become a part of APNU, did not manage to get a single seat on its own at the last general elections.

This man is definitely a recipe for disaster and by his silly utterances would plunge the partnership deeper into oblivion.

I noticed that Stabroek News might have been advised that the matter was libellous and that newspaper has since carried an apology and retraction.

Editor, neither members of the Muslim brotherhood nor I believe that the apology and retraction did anything to salvage any pride for Muslims. The damage has already been done and saying sorry now would not help. The law should be allowed to take its course and let the guilty parties pay for their reckless and irresponsible behaviour.

We are therefore calling on the party to which this man belongs or the Partnership to drop him from its membership. His continued membership would do the grouping more harm than good.


Abdool Jabar

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