The British High Commissioner believes his country is still a colonial power

Dear Editor,

I have seen the reports in the Sunday papers on the reaction of the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) to the statement by Caricom Ministers criticising the blatant interference and the mis-leading and untruthful remarks made by the British High Commissioner in Guyana in relation to prorogation of the Parliament and democracy.

I was immediately reminded of the old saying, “History tends to repeat itself, first as a tragedy and second as a farce”. I also reminded myself that this is the problem with the GTUC. It does not exist to represent workers but to support foreign interests.

In 1953 when the Constitution was suspended the British also disbanded the GTUC that was a genuine organisation for workers. They replaced it with pliant leadership to support the British actions in the then British Guiana.

The GTUC was one of the organisations that supported the suspension of the Constitution. They stood on the side of our former masters.

Today, they are doing the same thing, now criticising the statement by Caricom Foreign Ministers, who were defending the integrity of the country, its right to self-determination.

This was a defence not only of Guyana, but the region. They were defending an important principle in International relations.

They are on solid grounds because President Donald Ramotar’s action was legal and constitutional. It cannot therefore be undemocratic or unconstitutional.

Indeed, prorogation came from the British model of Parliamentary democracy. It is in all of the Constitution of the Commonwealth countries and has been used by other countries up to recently.

Canada, under the Harper Administration prorogued Parliament without a peep from the British. Another form of double standard and “monkey knowing what limb to jump on”.

The sad thing is not just that the British High Commissioner seems to still believe that his country is a colonial power. It is the fact that an organisation in Guyana, like the GTUC, will continue to support the colonial behaviour of a British High Commissioner.

This action by the GTUC leaders tells the story of why this organisation is rotting from its head; why it is losing all relevance and creditability among workers.

The GTUC needs to be democratised. Only then can it speak for workers of our country.

Shame on the colonial minded leaders of the GTUC.

Roger Constance

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