The Big Lie

Tell a lie long enough…

It was Hitler who first talked about the potential of the “Big Lie”. Tell a stupendous whopper and people won’t dare think anyone would be so “barefaced” to lie on such a scale. Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels was to later refine the technique: “tell a lie so often, eventually everyone ends up thinking it’s the truth”.
Mark Archer, the ‘communications officer’ of APNU served under David Granger in the GDF – notice the military-style designation? Granger’ responsibility was indoctrinating GDF officers into swearing personal fealty to Burnham. Going by his last letter attacking the first year of Donald Ramotar’s presidency, Archer appears to have mastered and refined the “Big Lie” tactic from his old general, extremely well.
Archer starts off by claiming that Ramotar doesn’t have executive experience. Yet, he then asserts that Ramotar started off on the wrong foot by retaining most of the Cabinet ministers from the previous administration!! Even an ex-army officer – who might have fallen on his head during training – would know if an executive doesn’t have experience, it’s best retain the old team.
Especially if the old team has been performing exemplarily: only country in the region to have a positive growth rate!  Archer would know, having lived for years in the U.S., that ‘if it ain’t broken; don’t fix it!!” In line with that philosophy, Ramotar had made it very clear during his campaign that he would continue with the policies of his predecessor. And in those critical areas that were lagging, like agriculture, Ramotar did make changes. One big lie nailed!!!
Archer then states accusingly: “Within days of forming his new government, on December 6th 2011 peaceful demonstrators were shot by the police while protesting in Georgetown”. Really? And why were these so-called “peaceful demonstrators” protesting? Wasn’t it because of the APNU “Big Lie” that Surujbally and Gocool had ‘rigged’ the elections? Didn’t the ‘peaceful protesters disobey police instructions? Wasn’t it the beginning of the opposition’s ongoing destabilisation campaign against the government?
The propagandist’s next gripe was that the APNU elections result protest “was followed by a bitter budget debate”!!! Lordy lord!! Wasn’t that because the opposition refused to accept that the budget was the bailiwick of the executive?? The opposition (Greenidge and team) didn’t even show up for the generous budget consultation arranged by the Ministry of Finance?

Linden Lie
But the biggest “Big Lie” was: “The budget crisis spawned the Linden electricity crisis… without (the president) negotiating or consulting with the peoples’ representatives”!!! Is Archer admitting that APNU are not the “representatives” of Lindeners? Did the PPP actually win Linden but APNU rigged the ballots? Archer ignores President Ramotar’s consultation with APNU in the tripartite talks that led to the modification of the Linden electricity proposal. It was APNU that wimpishly reneged on the agreement on the electricity issue – to protect its Linden flank from the reptilian AFC.
A major Goebellsian propaganda trick, which Archer used quite profusely , was to use the “passive” form of verbs. This hides the ‘perpetrator’ of the action – which invariably is the propagandist’s henchmen. So we’re told, “As the situation escalated at Linden…” The ‘situation’ didn’t ‘escalate’ by itself, the AFC and APNU activists escalated it!
“The following day,” continued Archer, “property would be destroyed.” As if the property spontaneously combusted!! But Archer had no compunction with a more “active” verb to blame the police: “three young men were brutally murdered after the GPF again opened fire on peaceful protesters at the Mackenzie-Linden bridge.”  Like Hughes, Archer substituted causation for correlation!

Scientific fraud
Talking about Hughes, the cry-baby claims, “Scientific evidence weighs against the police”. Really? The only “scientific” evidence produced – by Hughes’ own (foreign – Guyanese aren’t trustworthy!) pathologist and ballistic expert – show that it wasn’t police bullets that killed the three Lindeners.

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