The big fake…

If there’s anyone who’d been taken in by caretaker Granger’s milquetoast routine – you know…always in the “right” but “wrongfully” misunderstood and taken advantage of – the chicanery betrayed in his last “address” on the elections should’ve certainly made the scales fall from their eyes!! Like most con men, Granger’s fatal flaw is he didn’t know when to stop with the BS. This time, he laid it on so thick, you could HEAR it falling off and plopping on the floor.
Your Eyewitness will hold up his latest excretions to the light and be warned, it ain’t gonna be pretty!! Noting the delay with the elections, Granger claimed sanctimoniously, “I assure the nation that, at all times, I have acted in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana.” Well, isn’t this his long-repressed conscience (and now vestigial) conscience talking?? We all know he’s been breaking the Constitution worse than a bull in a china shop…but who accused him this time??
Nobody, that’s who! Because everyone and their demented uncle know it’s not the Constitution that’s being raped and violated but a statute – The Representation of the People’s Act!! Granger, as he always does, created a straw man to flagellate!! His next unctuous claim was: “GECOM is an independent constitutional agency over which I and the Executive have no control. I assure you, that as President, I cannot, did not and will not interfere in the work of GECOM”.
GECOM independent?? ROTFL!! So why Granger spent a year in the courts insisting that his unilateral appointment of James Patterson must stand?? And had to be bitch-slapped by the CCJ for violating the Constitution?? And how come his de facto second in command and Director of the Presidency revealed that he was called directly by individuals at the GECOM Command Centre after the Reg 4 SOP tabulation was abandoned?? That’s a smoking gun, baby!!
Then came the whopper of the year: “The Opposition created an atmosphere of intimidation and fear at the office of the Returning Officer of District Number 4. This led to the interruption of GECOM’s work.” Really?? Was there any “intimidation” Tuesday night when the RO claimed staff “tiredness” and called it a night? Didn’t RO Mingo claim “illness” on Wednesday – when the process was supposed to be restarted – and had to be hospitalised?? For a few hours??? Didn’t the CEO promise the Observers and stakeholders, the tabulation would continue the next morning but never did??
Whatever ruckus occurred was when the RO suddenly appeared like Banquo’s ghost on a balcony and shouted to the waiting stakeholders that he’d declared the results!! Without the counting process being restarted.
Granger’s faker than a $3 dollar bill!!

…and bullyism
In addition to his hypocrisy and unctuousness, Granger’s a bully beneath the simpering façade. Let’s call a spade, a spade, Dear Readers: the only reason he can be so complacent and confident about facing down domestic and foreign pressure is that he’s counting on the “kith and kin” effect from the Army, Police, Militia, Civil Service – and when he needs them— the “centipedes” of Georgetown.
But he’s dealing with a different Guyana. While the carefully crafted and disseminated vicious propaganda he and the PNC’s been spewing for years about the PPP “killing 400 black youths” – the numbers from the elections show that the PPP made inroads into the PNC’s traditional constituency!! Not to mention the Amerindian and the mixed voters, which are now fully 30% of the electorate!!
The PNC’s propaganda – which is now virtually all “hate speech” – has clearly been rejected by a wide swathe of voters who’ve seen through their crude and crass manipulation. Unfortunately, there are still enough who have been infected by Granger’s virus of hate.
Beware the cornered rat!!

…on elections petition
The PNC’s insisting the PPP abandon their present efforts in the courts to have the SOP count resume and file an election petition after accepting Mingo’s count!!
As if the PPP will forget their 2015 election petition still hasn’t been heard!!

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