The Berbice River Bridge has made life easier for many people

Dear Editor,
I am not into aesthetics and engineering, so as far as the Berbice River Bridge is concerned, it more than suffices. I have gone repeatedly to and from Berbice and I did not have to endure the hassles of the past. That ferry thing was just too burdensome – it took like an eternity to even park and get off the boat.
I was very fortunate to chat with a school teacher who told me the same thing. She explained that now she can come to Georgetown for her official administrative teaching duties, get over with them, and then head back home. In the past, she was forced to overnight in Georgetown. All that I will demand is that the bridge is properly maintained.
The Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) has now joined in the celebrations of Emancipation Day.It feted staff and other members of the public.
Now, the next thing to note is that BBCI will contemplate a price dip for special seasons – say like when there are reasons to traverse to and from Berbice – I think this is good, as many special events are held in Berbice, all year too.
The tourism sector can plan special events then, knowing that the BBCI is likely to grant a request to lower tariffs for the same.
Yours sincerely,
Ganesh Dhanpaul

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