The airport expansion project must go ahead

Dear Editor,
The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion project will be going ahead as planned. This is the kind of spirit we need in Guyana. We have been stagnated for such a long time that many people just cannot get out of their inertia.
Guyana has changed over the last decade. As a boy, the sight of an aircraft used to fascinate me. Now it is the norm. I remember too, airport visits used to be quite novel – now it is a hassle.
We all know that the political opposition voted down the entire transport section budgetary allocation of Gy$ 5.6 billion for the Public Works Ministry. What this now means is more duress for areas such as the Ogle International Airport expansion project, the purchasing of key equipment for the CJIA and the CJIA expansion project, along with repairs and maintenance to hinterland airstrips that would be adversely affected.
In this point of air travel, gone are the days when Ogle used to be remote and agrarian. The place is just like any other airport, just teeming with activities.
It was reported that the transport minister indicated that there is some money from last year’s Gy$ 20 million that was approved and advanced by the National Assembly. The minister also explained that the project, in many ways has started – the contractor is on the ground and loads of equipment are already arriving. How can we stop now or even wait? It is vital that Guyana’s capacity to accommodate larger categories of aircraft be on board. This will result in the country’s potential as a hub for flights to and from North and South America and further afield.
Yours sincerely,
Rajendra Paul

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