The AFC has been reduced to a mere appendage to the PNC

Dear Editor,
Recent reports in the press point to a major disagreement between the PNC-led APNU and the AFC. This is because the PNC is about to force the AFC to accept its conditions as it relates to the number two position on their list of candidates – The prime ministerial position.
The AFC, working on the assumption that they have an agreement with PNC, proceeded at its last “Congress” to name Ramjattan for the number two position. That had its own problem since Nagamootoo’s cloven foot was exposed. Having been replaced by Ramjattan, Nagamootoo discarded his yellow shirt for a green one. He seems to be grovelling at the feet of the PNC to keep his “wuk”.
Now we hear that the PNC told the AFC that Ramjattan was not acceptable. Granger’s words are reported to be: “I cannot allow people to usurp my authority to choose”. Let us not forget that all of this is happening despite a signed agreement that exists between the two parties.
This is another demonstration, if more were needed, to show that the PNC has no regard for constitutions nor agreements. Whenever it feels it is in a good position, they just renege. This is their history. Treachery is in that party’s DNA.
In the press, the AFC hinted at leaving the “coalition”. This, in my view, is just idle talk. It seems to have come from damaged pride.
I say this because, in the first place, this is not a coalition. These parties are on one list and the PNC is calling the shots. If the AFC withdraws, it will not bring down the Government. All Granger would do is replace those that resigned.
The weak position that the AFC is now in is due to many factors, including them being complicit with the APNU in subverting our Constitution and destroying democracy in our land. They collaborated in the efforts to prepare the rigging of the upcoming elections.
Another fact is that the AFC is not united on the position of what to do. Recall that Trotman is already reported to be “optimistic”. This can be read to mean that he is not one that would resign. He hopes to tell that to his colleagues in the AFC. That is how he believes he would avert any resignation from taking place.
Granger is also calculating on several things. On the one hand, he has much influence on Trotman and Patterson. They are more PNC than AFC. He is also calculating that Hughes and also his son-in-law, Gaskin, will stay in line. This is for family reasons among other things. This means that Ramjattan is now isolated.
Granger must also be considering that the “good life” which the elite in the regime has been enjoying since 2015 would be too lucrative for AFC girls and boys to want to give up. After all the Local Government Election showed that AFC support has dwindled very sharply. It is even weaker now. They have lost bargaining power. The lies and misrepresentations have discredited them. For instance, the promises of 20 per cent increase for sugar workers and G$9000 per bag for paddy to rice farmers were deliberately designed to fool the people. They have been exposed and cannot repeat those lies. They cannot return to the people with more lies!
As mentioned above, they have tasted the “good life” and would not want to give up voluntarily. They have become extraordinarily wealthy and many drive around with Police outriders. One of them, in a divorce petition before 2015 claimed he could not even eat properly. Now, in four short years he has multiple properties and vehicles.
The fact that they deliberately fooled people to vote for them shows that they have no moral fibre, nor integrity. They will, therefore, have to accept whatever they are offered now by the PNC. None of them has the conviction to leave the lucrative jobs they have. For that bunch in the elite of APNU/AFC, self-interest is more important than the country’s interests.
So it is clear to me that they would have to find an excuse to back down, to put their tails between their legs and beg pardon.
The most likely “excuse” would be to keep out the “big bad PPP/C”. The AFC has been reduced to a mere appendage to the PNC. It must now beg for whatever mercies the PNC can give them.
They have no trumps to play, just some inconsequential cards and two jokers.
That is why nothing will come out of the little spat or disagreement. They will have to crawl in a corner and lick their damaged pride.

Donald Ramotar
Former President

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