The 2011 Budget is for the people

Dear Editor,

Government must be commended for the numerous initiatives laid out in the 2011 National Budget. These will, no doubt, improve the lives of all Guyanese, including the working class, senior citizens, and the private sector.

These initiatives include raising of the income tax threshold, increasing public assistance and old age pension payments, and lowering the rate of corporation tax. These should see an increase in disposable income among Guyanese, and a greater ability to invest and expand employment in the private sector.

These benefits come against the backdrop of significant investments in the health, housing, education and security sectors, to name a few.

The Ministry of Finance, and by extension the government, must be applauded for the programmes and initiatives put forward in this year’s budget; and we hope these will help to make 2011 a productive and highly progressive year for Guyana.


Baldeo Mathura

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