– but stringent security measures still in place

The threat level at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) has been lowered, according to the entity’s Public Relations Officer Anneka Edwards.
The CJIA in a release on Monday evening explained that despite the threat level being lowered, stringent security measures still remain in place to ensure the safety of passengers.
Last week, a call was received at the Barbados office of Caribbean Airlines (CAL) where the threat was delivered against a specific Caribbean Airlines flight scheduled for departure from Guyana on February 10.
Speaking with Guyana Times International on Tuesday, CAL Country Manager Carl Stewart said all flights that were scheduled for departure from the CJIA after the threat was received have been successful, with no report of any incidents.
The Barbados security forces are currently piloting the investigations into the threats CAL received, the airline’s Corporate Communications Manager Clint William told this publication last Friday.
In a telephone interview from his Trinidad and Tobago office, Williams indicated he was optimistic that the person or persons responsible for the threats will be brought to justice.
Once the findings are known, the media will be advised accordingly, Williams indicated, but reiterated that additional security measures are still in place.
The U.S. embassy in Guyana in an advisory had warned all American citizens not to travel on CAL flights from Guyana to the U.S. on Monday, February 10, citing an unconfirmed security threat.
“Out of an abundance of caution”, the embassy advised all U.S. citizens in Guyana travelling on CAL to the U.S. from Monday, February 10 through Wednesday, February 12, 2014, to make alternate travel arrangements.
It was reported that the call originated out of Barbados and while the airline was not sure if it was a hoax or a ploy, it took precautionary measures in order to keep its passengers safe.
The local authorities also implemented measures to ensure passengers’ safety, by placing the CJIA under heightened security alert for several days. Investigations were subsequently launched into the incident. The investigation involved officials from Barbados, Trinidad, Guyana, and U.S. With respect to passengers travelling out of Guyana, the response has been overwhelming, despite the negative publicity.