Teens make contributions to needy institutions in Guyana

In what have become annual acts of charity over the past 3 years, 19-year-old Lisa Ramroop and her 17-year-old brother Ranji Ramroop of the Ramroop Foundation, on January 19 donated much-needed supplies to several institutions in Guyana.

In Georgetown, the Palms Geriatric Home on Brickdam and the Guyana Dharm Shala in Albouystown received first aid materials, sanitary supplies and hygiene tools from the teenagers, who are here in Guyana on holiday from the U.S. At the Cornelia Ida Orphanage on the West Coast of Demerara, the teens also donated sanitary and hygienic supplies, clothing and linens, along with toys and food to the children there.

Speaking with Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, Lisa Ramroop said her love for philanthropic work has been the motivation behind helping the less fortunate. She disclosed that her parents have always steered them in that direction, and she has been volunteering her time and donating items to the needy since she was 11.

The now Cornell University first year pre-med student said that along with her brother, who graduates high school this year, she has helped out at various institutions in Guyana and the U. S. performing volunteer work. She noted that every year since her 16th birthday she has been returning to Guyana to donate to the less fortunate here.

Commenting on the needs of the Palms institution, she pointed out that she would like to see more persons volunteer to spend time with the residents there, saying that the public needs to socialize with them, and take them out often on walks or trips. She added that this would help the residents feel better about their lives.

Ranji Ramroop, a final year student of Eastview High School in Apple Valley, Minnesota in the U.S, said that orphanages have always been a particular focus for them, perhaps because of the fact that they too were young children when they started visiting and donating to these institutions.

Both Lisa and Ranji declared their commitment to helping the less fortunate of society with further donations to more institutions in the future. They plan to donate also to the Muslim Orphanage in Kitty, and the children’s orphanage in Oleander Gardens. (Taken from Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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