Teen robbed by knife-wielding bandit on way to work

A 19-year-old was robbed on her way to work on Monday, after exiting a taxi at the Vreed-en-Hoop junction on the West Coast of Demerara.
According to information received, the incident occurred at about 07:20h.
Audriana Stoll told INews that she boarded a taxi from Versailles, West Bank Demerara (WBD), and stopped off at the junction to board a bus en route to the WCD.
However, she was approached by a man, who held a knife at her as he demanded her phone and money. She explained that the man was dressed in a black hoodie shirt with a bandana around his face. After making his demands, she handed over G$4500 and a Samsung phone, valued at G$89,000.
“I had the change that I collected from the taxi and I just hand he that. Then he was like ‘and what happen to the phone’ and that’s when I hand over the phone from my pocket and the earphone that was with it and everything,” Stoll recalled.
However, she recalled seeing him run off to a car.

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