Teen Lovers’ Suicide -Mother of dead boy has doubts over autopsy finding

The autopsies performed on Monday by pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh on the bodies of 18-year-old Avenash “Avo” Persaud and 17-year-old Raymattie “Sonya” Wilfred revealed that the teenagers died from asphyxiation caused by hanging.

However, when Guyana Times International contacted the dead teenage boy’s mother, Kameza Ali, she disclosed that funeral arrangements have since been halted because the family was not pleased with the findings of the post-mortem.

“The funeral was supposed to be today (Monday, December 06th), but because of the autopsy, we will have to make other arrangements,” she said. 

She indicated that family members intend to meet with Dr Singh and the police, so that lingering questions can be answered. Ali noted that her husband and other relatives went to witness the post- mortem, but were not allowed to do so. Rather, they were informed of the findings by the doctor after he had completed the examination.

She stated that she still feels something is not right, and she emphasised that her son’s body was hanging with his feet less than two inches off the ground, while the body of Wilfred was higher. “Something wrong there!” she reiterated. 

Meanwhile, according to Sharmilla Hussein, the dead teen girl’s mother, the funeral of 17-year-old Raymattie Wilfred is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, December 08th. The remains of Wilfred will be at her father’s residence at Meten-Meer-Zorg at 10:00hrs for viewing and service, after which the corpse will be taken to the Ruimzeight foreshore for cremation at 13:00hrs.

The bodies of Persaud, a conductor of Greenwich, East Bank Essequibo, and Wilfred, a waitress of Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara, were discovered at approximately 6: 00hrs on Friday, hanging from the roof of an abandoned house in Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara.

It was reported that the teenagers, whose relationship had created conflict between their families, went missing on Monday, November 29

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