Teachers are anxiously awaiting the implementation of the Govt/ GTU agreement

Dear Editor,
I have noted with interest that since Donald Ramotar became president, he has started a series of meetings with key stakeholders in the country. This is certainly the right approach to governance and in the end the people are happy as they feel that their ideas and suggestions are valued, and more importantly they feel as though they have a stake in the society.
History has shown that some of the most successful leaders are those that remained close to their people and listened to their views and concerns. So right on target Mr President.
I am a teacher and am very pleased to see that not very long into his term as president, president Ramotar has already met with the membership of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU). Teachers are very important as they mould the nation’s children and they deserve to be treated well, meaning they should be given a reasonable salary and allowances and other benefits, such as scholarships, house lots etc.
I recall that sometime back, the government and the union had signed an agreement regarding a housing revolving fund for teachers and a wage increase among other benefits, and I have not heard anything since from the union regarding the status of these issues. I would be more than happy if the agreement can be implemented so that we can receive these benefits and increases in the near future.
Yours truly,
Y Hamid, Teacher
Dear Editor,I have noted with interest that since Donald Ramotar became president, he has started a series of meetings with key stakeholders in the country. This is certainly the right approach to governance and in the end the people are happy as they feel that their ideas and suggestions are valued, and more importantly they feel as though they have a stake in the society. History has shown that some of the most successful leaders are those that remained close to their people and listened to their views and concerns. So right on target Mr President.  I am a teacher and am very pleased to see that not very long into his term as president, president Ramotar has already met with the membership of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU). Teachers are very important as they mould the nation’s children and they deserve to be treated well, meaning they should be given a reasonable salary and allowances and other benefits, such as scholarships, house lots etc. I recall that sometime back, the government and the union had signed an agreement regarding a housing revolving fund for teachers and a wage increase among other benefits, and I have not heard anything since from the union regarding the status of these issues. I would be more than happy if the agreement can be implemented so that we can receive these benefits and increases in the near future. Yours truly,Y Hamid, Teacher

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