Taxi driver charged for rape of schoolgirl

Neville Thomas being escorted by Police

A driver attached to a popular city taxi service, who allegedly raped a 12-year-old girl at a hotel in Diamond, East Bank Demerara, was on Tuesday hauled before at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Thirty-two-year-old Neville Thomas of North Ruimveldt, Georgetown appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and was not required to answer to the indictable charge.
It is alleged that between April 1 and 30, 2019, at Diamond, East Bank Demerara, he engaged in sexual penetration with a 12-year-old child.
The matter was held in-camera.
According to information, Thomas and the 12-year-old are known to each other, since he was hired to transport her to and from school.
It was reported that on the day in question, the accused picked up the child from school and took her to a hotel in Diamond, where he had sexual intercourse with her.
However, sometime later, the 12-year-old complained to her parents and a report was made to the Police.
The unrepresented man was remanded to prison. The case will continue on October 4.

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