Taxi driver accused of raping multiple women to face High Court trial

Lindon Daniels

Principal Magistrate Sherdel Marcus-Isaacs on Wednesday committed taxi driver Lindon Daniels to stand trial at the Demerara High Court for raping a female passenger.
The accused was in February 2019 slapped with three rape charges for offences committed against female passengers on different occasions.
A Preliminary Inquiry (PI) was conducted into the first charge levelled against Daniels; which stated that the accused on January 30, 2019, at Kuru Kuru, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara (EBD), engaged in sexual penetration of a woman over the age of 17. For this charge, Magistrate Marcus-Isaacs ruled that sufficient evidence was presented throughout the PI and thus committed him to stand trial.
Daniels was granted G$300,000 bail until the commencement and determination of the High Court trial.
Two other charges brought against the accused detailed that on February 18, 2019, at New Providence, EBD, he engaged in sexual penetration of a woman over the age of 17.
Moreover, on February 13, 2019, at New Providence, he engaged in sexual penetration of a girl under the age of 16.
These matters are still being heard at a city magistrate’s court.
It was reported that Daniels on the day in question while transporting the victims in his motor vehicle to their destinations diverted to isolated areas where he committed the act.

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