Systems in place to deal with poor Math, English performances – Minister Manickchand

By Gomatie Gangadin

Education Minister Priya Manickchand
Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Students who would have failed Mathematics and English at the 2014 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) will not be ignored or neglected, as the Education Ministry is presently putting systems in place to help them.

This is according to Education Minister Priya Manickchand, who, in an exclusive interview with Guyana Times International, said while the Ministry has celebrated the successes of those who have excelled at the examinations and rightly so, other students should not feel sidelined or ignored as her Ministry will be placing more emphasis on them.

“First off, let me say that no child has failed this examination. Every student who sat this examination has been placed at a school, so no one child has failed and that is the good thing about the examination,” the Minister said.

Manickchand further went on to disclose that the Ministry has developed several plans to cater for those who have failed Mathematics and English Language. The plans were formulated according to the percentage each student would have achieved at the exams. One of the plans involves a six-year programme which will focus intensively only on the two critical subjects.

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