Synthetic Track will see Guyana hosting more competitions

Dear Editor,

The PPP/C extends congratulations for another landmark achievement, in the form of the state-of-the-art Synthetic Athletic Track at Leonora, West Coast Demerara. This is a fulfilment of a promise by the PPP/Civic in its manifesto.

The PPP/C has always stated its firm commitment to the development and expansion of sport and the requisite facilities to help our sportsmen and women reach their full potential and continue to represent Guyana well internationally.

This state-of-the-art facility will see Guyana hosting more international athletics competitions, which fit into the PPP/Civic Government’s ongoing efforts to promote another tourism product – sport tourism.

We are also heartened at the ongoing  support of the Government  to sporting organisations  to establish  more facilities for Guyana’s athletes, including the Guyana Karate College’s Dojo, The Athletics Association of Guyana Headquarters,  hockey field, the Guyana Football Federat

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