Synthetic track to be operational by December

By Treiston Joseph –

The Leonora synthetic track will be up and running by December according to officials of the Sport Ministry.
The disclosure came from Steve Ninvalle, deputy permanent secretary within the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, when he visited the track Saturday. According to reports, Gy$870 million dollars has already been spent on the facility thus far.
“…the government is satisfied with the progress of the work on the track and I think any patriotic Guyanese would realise that this is money well spent and the actual will be usable by December,” Ninvalle stated.
Further, German company BSW Regupol is expected to start the laying of the track in six weeks according to project manager of Design and Construction Service Limited Patrick Pitt.
“…we may have to have total security from persons, animals or anything moveable… this area will be like a sterile area, because once this thing is being done it can’t have any type of foreign influence. In the near future what we will do just before they (Regupol) come, is perimeter internal and external the track of itself with a protective material either fabric or plastic so you will have total protection from wind or anything blowing while they will be carrying out their work,” Pitt told media representatives.
Meanwhile the inner field/football field is expected to start germination in approximately seven weeks, while Pitt believes that the overall work is 65 per cent completed.

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