Suspect confesses to killing Corentyne labourer

Following the gruesome murder of a Corentyne labourer late Saturday night, Police have arrested one of the suspects who has since confessed to the crime. They are currently seeking his brother, who is believed to have fled the country.
The suspect goes by the nickname “Saltfish”.
Reports are the duo killed Anand Sookram, also called “Radesh” and “Halfway” at his Lot 50 Friendship, Corentyne, Berbice home on Saturday evening. The 42-year-old labourer’s body was discovered in a pool of blood on his bed about 07:30h on Sunday with his throat slit.

Dead: Anand Sookram

Guyana Times International was told that the deceased man’s 17-year-old son made the gruesome discovery after he went to check on his father.
According to the teenager, when he arrived at his father’s house, the door was open and after calling and receiving no answer, he ventured inside, only to see blood on the floor. The teen said he realised something was amiss and ventured to his father’s bed where he saw his motionless body lying in a pool of blood. The 17-year-old related that he then raised an alarm and neighbours and other relatives gathered. The Police were subsequently summoned.
This newspaper was told by a neighbour that screams were heard coming from Sookram’s house. According to a neighbour, the man was shouting a particular name, which has since been related to the Police. However, despite his screams, no one went to his assistance.
The dead man’s brother Alan (only name given) told this publication that on Saturday night he saw the two suspects on the road, adding that they had previously threatened to kill his brother over an old grievance.
According to Allan, he was also threatened by the brothers previously.
‘“All you nah get long moh to drop; one all you got to dead before this year out,’” he related was the threat to him.
Sookram had moved from the house after the brothers threatened the family, but returned on Friday.
Police were able to arrest the prime suspect, who has since admitted to committing the crime. However, even as the other suspect remains on the run, another son of the dead man, a 14-year-old, said he had a frightening encounter with the “Raju” since the incident.
He said he and some of his siblings and friends were on the road when the wanted suspect was passing by and he called out to him saying he was going to kill him. The 14-year-old said he ran away. The incident has since been reported to the Police.
Meanwhile, another son of the now dead man had one of his ears severed two years ago by the suspect who is in custody.
Sookram leaves to mourn seven children, a wife, his mother and several siblings.

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