Successful Day of Interaction hosted in Linden

The Culture, Youth and Sport Ministry and the National Sports Commission on Sunday staged a successful Day of Interaction at the Bayroc Community Centre ground, attracting hundreds of athletes, officials and spectators.
The activity was a collaborative effort of the two entities and the regional Administration of Region 10.
In attendance were Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill, Director of Sport Neil Kumar and regional officials, who all encouraged the gathering to use sports activities as a means of recreation to promote a healthy lifestyle and social cohesion.
Athletes travelled from various communities of the region, including Silvertown, Block 22, Amelia’s Ward, Bayroc, Christianburg, Coomacka, Wismar, Canvas City, Moriah Elizabeth/ Three Friends Mines, Old England/ Coomacka, Aroaima and Kwakwani to be a part of the day’s activities, which coincided with Linden’s Mashramani celebrations 2013.
The competitions in both categories (male and female) were very competitive and successful, as the athletes performed at high standards. The sports disciplines which were registered were softball cricket, domino, football, volleyball and circle-tennis.
Trophies were awarded for outstanding performances by the communities.

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