Students must have a strategic plan in their quest for success – St Stanislaus College valedictorian

Bianca Phillips posing with her new collection of trophies and plaques

“Be courageous, be dedicative, be submissive, but most of all, always remember to strive for nothing but excellence,” these are the words of St Stanislaus College 2012 valedictorian Bianca Phillips, as she encouraged the nation’s children in their pursuit of success.
Since the commencement of her academic life at St Stanislaus College, Phillips has been an outstanding student and thoughts of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate Examination (CSEC) did not deter her spirit. It was a mere challenge that she knew she would have overcome in style.
The 16-year-old has obtained 14 CSEC subjects, raking in nine grade ones in Mathematics, English Language, Social Studies, Office Administration, Biology, Human and Social Biology, Physics, and Agriculture Science (double award).
She also secured four grade twos in Chemistry, Geography, French and Information Technology and two grade threes in History and Additional Mathematics.
In an exclusive interview with Guyana Times International, the teenager, who describes herself as a lover of romance novels, said students must always have a strategic plan in their quest for success in the academic arena.
She said establishing a study timetable is one of the most important steps, noting that students should always be open to learning and willing to share information, positing that “knowledge is power”.
“Study at least an hour every day; yes, you can have a social life, but it is important that you study. What you sow is what you reap, have a good attitude towards people because when you help other students by teaching them, you are helping yourself,” Phillips said.
These are some of the qualities, Phillips noted, that are responsible for her current success, adding that the other factors include the overwhelming support from her parents, in particular her mother Robin St Marthe, teachers, family members, and friends.
As she faced a packed audience on the day of her graduation, Phillips, with much decorum, received three awards – Best Graduating Student for the Year 2012, Best All Round Student and Best Science Student, as her years of hard work and dedication paid off.
The accolades were accompanied by huge trophies and plaques. In her address to the graduating class, education officials, teachers, family, and friends, Phillips said, “The fruits of success are bittersweet they say, but I know that St Stanislaus College has well prepared me for the challenges I will face. Nothing comes easily, so I am ready to ride that rollercoaster to success no matter how bumpy the ride may be.”
The 2012 valedictorian attributed her success to God the almighty, noting that he has kept her thus far, and she has no doubts that he will see her through the years ahead.
“I have a lot to be grateful for, firstly God whose awesome presence and Word have brought me to, and will continue to carry me through my success. The Bible says whatever a man sows that he shall also reap… and today I am a living testimony to that scripture.”
Currently, Phillips is a sixth form student of Queen’s College pursuing an associate degree in natural science, with the aim of furthering her studies at the University of Guyana or abroad in her quest to become a doctor.

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