Students across Guyana to benefit from school uniform vouchers

Education Minister Priya Manickchand addressing parents and teachers at Winfer Gardens Primary School at the commencement of the distribution of school uniform vouchers

The Education Ministry last  Monday began distribution of school uniform vouchers across the country.
The School Uniform Programme was introduced about a decade ago to improve attendance, participation rates, and attainment levels, by ensuring that every child has the basic necessities for school. Education Minister Priya Manickchand on Monday visited several schools in Georgetown as she commenced the distribution of school uniform vouchers for the new school term beginning September.
“Government is keen on educating our children, since it sees education as the only way out of poverty and to break the cycle in taking Guyana forward, and that is why we continue to invest so much in the education sector annually,” Minister Manickchand explained, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported.
In 2011, the sum of Gy$24 billion was channelled to the sector, while for this year, Gy$26.5 billion has been allocated. Minister Manickchand said the administration continues to be innovative in finding new ways and initiatives to ensure children attend school, in addition to providing free exercise and text books, teaching materials, and hot meals and snacks.
She noted that the uniform initiative has contributed to the welfare of less fortunate children, ensuring that they stay in school and benefit from a quality education like other children who are much more fortunate.
More than 165,000 children in Regions Two to Six, and 10 will be provided with a voucher worth Gy$1500, while thousands more in Regions  One, Seven, Eight, and Nine will be provided with school uniforms and materials through the Amerindian Affairs Ministry.
“The voucher can only be used to purchase school materials including uniforms, pencils, and books among others,” Minister Manickchand explained.  During the visit to the schools in Georgetown, including Richard Ishmael Secondary and Winfer Gardens Primary, Manickchand also used the opportunity to interact and have one-on-one discussions with parents and teachers.
Vouchers were also distributed at the South Nursery School by Chief Education Officer Olato Sam.
This programme was initiated by former President Bharrat Jagdeo and has seen thousands of children annually benefiting. It has also been boosting school attendance in rural, riverine, and hinterland communities. In 2011, government spent Gy$266 million for the school uniform programme.

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