Strong Brazilian participation expected for Linden Expo 2011

Linden Expo would once again have a strong Brazilian flavour, as more than eight business entities from the Portuguese-speaking country would be participating in this year’s event along with local businesses both from Linden and beyond.

Linden Expo 2011, which would be held from April 29 to May 1 as part of the annual Linden Town Week celebrations, is an initiative of the Linden Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Development (LCICD) and has received support from the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry and the Guyana Office for Investment (GoInvest).

According to President of the LCICD, Marvin Burns, more than eight companies from Brazil, including business conglomerate Sebrae, have signalled their intention of participating, as well as a number of local business entities that specialise in wholesale distribution, manufacturing, financial services, tourism, and the arts and crafts sectors, among others.

“Sebrae, who participated last year, is representing itself, but has used its influence to invite eight other major companies to partake in this year’s expo,” Burns told Guyana Times International.

Burns said that the expo aims to highlight trade and investment activities found not only in Linden, but across Guyana and also Brazil.

He said the exposition was particularly important for Linden since it is now being recognised as a hub for intra-regional trade. Apart from the opening of the Takutu Bridge that links Brazil and Lethem, Burns said, the Partial Scope Agreement between Guyana and Brazil has further helped to facilitate trade between the two countries.

“Even with the agreement, there are still obstacles that the two countries are trying to clear, but we are getting there. We know what goods and services we are allowed to trade with that country and vice versa, and now this expo will further help to highlight the trade opportunities between the two countries,” he stated.

The chamber president is also of the view that Linden has many small manufacturers and space for agricultural activities, docking facilities and access to savannah lands. He said the time has come for Linden to be recognised as more than a town renowned for its farms and bauxite, but as a hub for trade where persons in and out of Linden could set up warehouses.

Burns also pinpointed some major local companies that are expected to participate in the annual event: Bank of Guyana, Beharry Group of Companies, Banks DIH Limited, and Citizens Bank.

The chamber president noted that several gold and diamond companies as well as businesses from Lethem have also expressed their interest in the exposition.

Burns said that spots are still available for persons desirous of participating in the exposition. “This year, we are trying to improve on the capacity of booths, and we have been given permission to use the lawns of the Egbert Benjamin Conference Centre; but we are asking Lindeners to purchase their booths as early as possible. Only about sixty spaces we have available.”

Among the highlights of the three-day exposition would be an African Village in recognition of this year being designated “The Year for People of African Descent” and performances by 2011 Junior Calypso Queen Diana Chapman and Senior Calypso Monarch Lester “The Professor” Charles, who are both Lindeners.

The first Linden Expo organised by the LCICD was held in 2009 following a major retrenchment of workers by BOSAI. The chamber executives had realised that money circulating in the community would be reduced significantly, and business would suffer accordingly, and so the Linden Expo was created to expose goods produced/manufactured in the region, to the very large number of persons visiting during Linden Town Week.

The expectation was that the large number of visitors included businesspeople who are always on the lookout for business opportunities. This proved to be true, since most of the exhibitors made significant sales and had follow-up orders from businesses in Georgetown and further afield.

The exposition has since grown considerably, with more businesses both in and out of Linden participating, while interest has also been growing among businesses in Brazil and Suriname.

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