Strengthening the Guyana-China connection

Dear Editor,

Guyana-China trade relations are at a very strong level; and by the end of this year, trade between the two countries is expected to reach the US$100 million mark. This is a good sign, and may very well lead to a further strengthening of relations in other areas of cooperation between the two countries.

It will be recalled that relations between Guyana and China were established in June 1972, and in three years’ time relations between the two countries grew immensely. China then agreed to provide interest-free loans to Guyana and to import bauxite and sugar from this country. So, current talks are indicating that the initial ‘set-up’ was indeed a worthy venture, even though it took some time.

The relations since then have grown by leaps and bounds, so that now there is a very close economic cooperation between the two countries. It is the type of cooperation that could lead to stronger ties between these two friendly peoples from two different parts of the world.

And Editor, there is no question about it: this growing Guyanese- Chinese connection is very strong and could only lead to further developments in many areas between the two countries.

I am glad that the occasion of the 62nd Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China was seen as important to Guyana. In fact, in observing the occasion, President Bharrat Jagdeo, at a reception (marking it), said some good words. The actual excerpt reads: ‘‘We welcome your presence in our country… China is known for its industriousness and progressiveness… We always have a welcoming arm for the Chinese people.” Now that China is an economic giant which has already spread its wings in some of the world’s largest economies, like the United States’, it is time Guyana capitalises as well. It is no secret that the Chinese are a hard- working people and they have worked untiringly to become one of the economic giants of the world today.

In fact, the Chinese economy has been rated as the second strongest in the world today.

Thus Guyana is reading it right – that is, joining with a winner.

Yours truly,

Susan Singh

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