Strangling the cat

Power-drunk opposition

Burnham had an expression that displayed his cold bloodedness when it came to power. In 1979, asked as to how he planned to deal with the threat from Rodney and the WPA, he replied with a smile: “Comrades, there are many ways to kill a cat. You can cut its throat; you can give it mange; you can drown it; you can strangle it…” His successors have learnt at his feet, well.
The opposition, as was articulated by Speaker Trotman when he was in the bosom of the PNC, sees as its mission “to expose and depose the PPP’. With the incorporation of the WPA into its ranks–forget the moniker “APNU”–they seemed to have added, “by any means necessary”. Their latest ploy is to starve the PPP of the oxygen of any government –funds to conduct its business. The AFC was proud to exclaim that those individuals thrown into the streets through the cuts were “collateral damage”!
Now they have revealed that they plan to kill the cat by strangulation. After the budget axing, Granger suggested that the government could return to Parliament with the excised parts of the budget as ‘supplementaries’. They were just flexing their muscles, he averred–showing ‘who was boss’, so to speak. The government long signalled they were ready to proceed with the nation’s business – but the opposition is now refusing to convene Parliament – since May 31. Without offering any reason.
It is obvious to all and sundry though what the reason is. They want the government to fall on its knees and beg. We hope the government will not succumb to this cold Machiavellian ploy or else they will be permanently on a string. With the opposition wankers yanking that string. They should continue to go to the people and explain how the opposition is holding the country at ransom.
In the meantime, while they have refused to convene Parliament, they’re still drawing their fat salaries and enjoying all their perks – including their duty-free cars, travelling allowance, and priority passes on the bridges etc. The government should initiate a motion demanding if the delinquents in the opposition don’t convene Parliament, they will forfeit their salaries. You will see how quickly they will run back. With wankers, money talks and gobar walks!

Who is trying who?
The AFC–that’s Ramjattan now, folks; he’s chief cook and bottle washer–has announced that they will be examining the charges brought by their Region Six Councillor Haseeb Yussuf against their Region Six MP–Ramaya. The charges, you would remember were not for prescribing “cow piss” for the ailments of unsuspecting innocents. It had to do with Gy$4.5 million Ramaya claimed he used during the campaign and now wants reimbursement for.
Yussuf claimed that Ramaya has no proof he spent such sums while the bush doctor indignantly asked whether he was expected to ask market vendors for receipts for “bigan and shallots”. That’s a whole lot of bigan–but maybe it explains why the AFC acolytes have so much “seed”. Anyhow we want to know “who will try who?”
After all the puffery they spout about ‘transparency’, we dare Ramjattan to have reporters at the ‘interrogation’ of Ramaya–as he suggested for Brassington. We bet this will never happen: mouths will open and a whole lot of unsavoury stories will jump out! But maybe they can more usefully inquire as the nature of the doctor’s “PhD”.

Hiding (ill gotten?) wealth
Ever since the Integrity Commission was established, most of the opposition have refused to submit their annual declaration of income and assets. This stance makes a mockery of their boasts about integrity. What do they have to worry about if they are not doing anything illegal?

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