Stories about drugs discovery have clouded good reports about CJIA

Dear Editor,
Recent news about the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) has been mostly about drugs. In fact, reports about its expansion and upgrading work almost fell off the radar. Now there is a good turn and I think that I should make a few remarks.
I like the staging of a partial emergency exercise at the airport facility. This is very vital. It involved a simulated aircraft crash at night at the aerodrome. This had to be a profitable experience.
Even though I am hoping that accidents will be few (or never), I feel better knowing that there is preparation should the worst happen. It is always good to be ready. Aspects of the emergency response process that were tested included the transmission of the emergency message to responding agencies; the Aerodrome Fire Service’s response and capability in controlling a burning aircraft; CJIA personnel deploying portable emergency lighting around a crash site; and deployment of security forces and the establishment of casualty processing facilities at the scene. I caution here that, even though the exercise was deemed successful by the CJIA Emergency Committee, no complacency must be tolerated.
The CJIA is expected to carry out a full-scale emergency exercise in 2013. Safety is a requirement set out by the International Civil Aviation Organisation in its standards and regulations. All airports are required to regularly conduct exercises to test emergency plans, procedures, equipment, communications and the response of key personnel.
With regards,
Jaundoo Sankar

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