Steering Committee formed to resuscitate table tennis along ECD

President of the GTTA Henry Green (third left), Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette (second left) and members of the East Coast Demerara Steering Committee

The Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA), on Sunday, February 12, established a Steering Committee to breathe new life into the administration of the sport along the East Coast of Demerara at the Plaisance Community Centre.

This move is a fulfillment of part of the GTTA’s mandate to resuscitate the sport throughout the country.

The executive of the GTTA agreed that a new direction needs to be taken to elevate the current level of the sport along the East Coast, which had been dormant for some years.

Dr. Pradeep Balram was chosen to spearhead that organisation as its president and chairman. Vice President of GTTA Yadram Rajkumar, Balkissoon, Andrew Miller, Joseph Benjamin, Xenophone Goliah and Morton Blake also form the committee to take the sport forward.

Described as a memorable moment for table tennis in Guyana, President of the GTTA Henry Green commended the committee for their vigor, vision and determination to develop table tennis on the coast. Greene also pledged the GTTA’s support during this resuscitation period.

“We are extending our hands to you as a steering committee to develop the sport in your area, the GTTA will assist in every possible way to spread our wings in developing the sport throughout the East Coast and Guyana,” Green added.

Also present were Region Four Chairman Clement Corlette, General Secretary of the GTTA Godfrey Munroe, GTTA’s head Coach and Tournament Coordinator Linden Johnson among other executives and members of the East Coast Demerara Table Tennis Association (ECDTTA) steering committee.

Joseph Benjamin, in his remarks, highlighted a number of positive projects that can assist in the development of the sport.

Corlette congratulated Greene for his contribution to the association and the sport in general and recalled visiting a regional tournament at the Cliff Anderson Sport Hall (CASH) and seeing a young talented Venezuelan woman player dominating the women’s category. This, Corlette said, left him amused.

He noted that after that experience his interest in the sport increased, but was not in a position to make a meaningful contribution. However, he explained that the region has launched its Youth and Sports Committee and will establish a link with the ECDTTA to coordinate activities for the development of the sport and youth on the East Coast.

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