Star Struck in GY

“I handle fame by not being famous. I’m not famous to me.” – Bob Marley

I’m in the middle of writing my first year CAPE – and that means submitting IAs; finishing labs; completing end-of-terms and dreading writing the actual exams starting later this week.

Anu Dev

Lots of tension, right? You bet! So you could imagine my reaction when my dad brought home tickets to the Sonu Nigam show and for the launching of the building plans for the Dharmic Sabha’s Shelter for Abused Children on Friday night with Sonu in attendance – I shrieked!! It could have been the anticipation of taking a break from the work, I told myself. After all I’m not one to go all ga-ga over a star, right? I’m much too level headed. But Sonu Nigam? WOW!!! I mean he’s not your ordinary run of the mill Bollywood masher who just lipsynchs.

He sings his own songs and is incredibly as good looking as any ‘star’. My parents can’t believe it but I always study with my earphones from my iPod or iPad plugged into my ears – always listening to music full blast.

(It used to drive my dad crazy, but after I did halfway decent at my last exams, he’s chilled out!) A great chunk of that music is by Sonu Nigam.

He is so versatile: pop, playback; oldies; soft rock… you name it and he does it. What’s more I had seen him on Lil Champs for several seasons and he was so charming and friendly. I wondered if it was just an act, though.

The guy couldn’t be that good – but he was!

The Dharmic Sabha’s plans for helping children who are victims of abuse are impressive. It was wonderful to see them taking these steps towards helping abused children.

I was most impressed that there are plans for the counselling of abused children, tutoring of these children and so many, many other brilliant plans that will most definitely help these children. And of course, the evening was made even more memorable by the guest of honour – Sonu Nigam.

I was star struck when I saw him!!! You know: you see someone you like and you get completely overwhelmed and speechless by the experience? Well that was me – completely awestruck! Well I got the autograph but not the photograph – with him I mean.

I took a mini-video of him giving his speech – basically apologising for being really out of it after flying continuously for 33 hours from India to make the Guyana engagement.

Seems a hitch prevented him from a booking last week in England from which he would have come down to Guyana. I admired his commitment and his grace to compliment our local singers.

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