St Rose’s High valedictorian charges graduates to aim for the best

By Tiffany Bowen

Some of the smiling graduates

“To achieve your goals,  discipline must be the main factor;  therefore, let’s go out there and face the challenges St Rose’s has prepared us for,” St Rose’s High School valedictorian, 16-year-old Karran Singh urged fellow graduates at the school’s 2012 Caribbean Secondary Education  Certificate  (CSEC) graduation ceremony held last Thursday evening.
Singh, one of this year’s top CSEC performers, was bestowed with several awards for his outstanding performance.   The soft-spoken Singh also charged his peers to make positive decisions in their quest to become productive sons and daughters of Guyana.
This, he said, can only be possible “if education is placed as one’s number priority”.  “The fruits of success are bittersweet, they say, but I know that St Rose’s High School has well prepared me for the challenges I will face. Nothing comes easily, so I am ready to ride that rollercoaster to success no matter how bumpy the ride may be,” the teen declared to a standing ovation.
The St Rose’s High 2012 valedictorian attributed his success to God, while recognising the patience and tolerance of his dedicated teachers and parents. “God has kept me thus far, and I have no doubt that he will see me through the years ahead.  Therefore, I have a lot to be grateful for – firstly, God whose awesome presence and Word have brought me to, and will continue to carry me through, my success. The Bible says whatever a man sows that he shall also reap… and today I am a living testimony to that scripture.”
Singh wrote 14 subjects and secured 12 grades one, one grade two, and one grade three – the best performance of a St Rose’s High student in the last five years.  He also took home the accolades for best graduating student, and top technical vocational studies performer. He was also awarded trophies for being the best student in Chemistry, Human and Social Biology, Physics, Social Studies, Food and Nutrition, Home Economics, Electronic Document Preparation and Management, and Building Technology.

High ideals

Valedictorian Karran Singh with one of his many prizes

Chief Education Officer Olato Sam delivered the feature address, and called on the graduates to strive for high ideals.  He pointed out the need for students to attain higher education and not to accept a secondary qualification which, according to him, cannot wholly prepare one for the challenges ahead.

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