Spurned man attempts to burn down house

A distressed Bejede Aeridge
A distressed Bejede Aeridge

A woman is now scared for her life and her children’s safety after her former reputed husband reportedly lit her belongings on fire on Monday evening.

Bejede Aeridge of Lot 176 South Sophia, Greater Georgetown, and her six children were out in the yard around 20:00h when her ex-reputed husband of 18 years allegedly sneaked into her small house and set her, and their children’s, belongings on fire.

Guyana Times International understands that the man, Wayne “Aubrey” McCoy and Aeridge separated a little over a year now. The couple have nine children.

The distressed woman told this newspaper that she was constantly abused by McCoy and so she decided to end the relationship; however, their separation did not deter the man from continuing to abuse her. She explained that he would come to their house from time to time to drop money off for his children, but she would stay away from him since he would go after her if she said anything.

Aeridge further related that after their separation she began working, something which he had forbidden her from doing while they were together, and so whenever he goes to the home and she is not there, he would hurl verbal abuse and say she has “a man”. Aeridge alleged that McCoy threatened to kill her on several occasions, with the last encounter being on Saturday night.

She said she was not at home and McCoy took her cellphone, underclothes and some of her other belongings. The woman noted that she reported the matter to the Police, but nothing serious was done to apprehend the man.

On Monday evening, Aeridge said she was in the yard which also holds the homes of her sister and mother, when she noticed someone in her house and subsequently, flames coming from the bedroom area. She noted that McCoy then ran out of the house and upon seeing him, she ran out of the yard to get help.

The man ran up the road towards C Field, chased by relatives of the woman and neighbours.


The scared woman explained that she does not know where McCoy lives. She noted that whenever he does his “wrong wuk”, he goes into hiding at various places so even when she reports the matter to the Police, he cannot be found.

Aeridge said she works hard to maintain her children and it was only Saturday that she bought school materials for them to go school, but their father destroyed all the supplies. She noted that he took all her clothes, the children’s clothes, their school materials, bedsheets and other items that were in a barrel and burnt them on the bed.

She further lamented that while putting out the blaze, fire fighters had soaked the house and so everything got wet.  She noted that she is now forced to separate her children by sending them to different places to sleep, since they cannot sleep in the house.

She further stated that McCoy’s actions were not only making her suffer but their children as well, since they were unable to attend school because their belongings were destroyed.


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