Sports have immense overall value

Dear Editor,
Many people take involvement in sports as just the ordinary. Reading that the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport is pushing sports, was encouraging. The ministry has been fulfilling its commitment to strengthen sport activities in hinterland communities and elsewhere. In this regard, it handed over tennis tables to various communities.
Research has clearly established that sports go hand-in-hand with proper human development. For example, exercise improves the structure of the body, which can help promote a better body image. During exercise, the body also releases endorphins that make a person feel positive and happy. The implications here are both psychological and medicinal.
A further addition is that of self-esteem – it is a fact that the praise and recognition that come with playing sports can help bolster self-esteem.
Playing sports also encourages players to socialise and work well together, which brings about a confidence boost through relationships. This is like practice for the real world.
Socialising and learning how to work well with others form a big part of the connection between self-esteem and sports. These skills are useful for developing positive relationships well into adulthood and, in turn, developing a higher level of self-respect in the process. This is how strong social fabric comes about. Self-respect naturally leads to respect for others.
Now over the past few years, the ministry has been pushing sporting activities in communities throughout the 10 administrative regions, especially in schools. It has also been upgrading facilities, distributing sporting equipment and gear, and organising sports clubs.
This has led to more persons becoming involved in activities. Now that table tennis boards are going into the schools, there is encouragement for all kinds of competition.
Yours truly,
Barrington Greenidge

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