
Stewing in envy
On the last day before Christmas, Nigel Hughes decided to vent his spleen once again on former President Bharrat Jagdeo. He ranted and raved about ex-President Jagdeo’s house lot.  Poor fellow! He just can’t help it. Like Forbes Burnham, he’d plotted his career trajectory very early on. With the silver spoon pushed into his mouth – unlike Burnham – he’d set his sights even higher.
“Senior counsel” was on his “to do” list – way before “President of Guyana”. Jagdeo burst his bubble: no SC for a man who earned his notoriety by defending the most unsavoury denizens of the underworld. The poor dear was devastated, not to mention livid. He’d never – and will never – forgive Jagdeo. He thinks it’s his entitlement, you see. Jagdeo, on the other hand, believes that the honour must be earned, not conferred willy-nilly.
With Jagdeo’s successor of similar mind, it’s certain Nigel Hughes will be a senior citizen before he becomes a senior counsel! But back to the tempest in a tea-cup Hughes is making about Jagdeo’s house lot at Sparendaam. He’s very upset at the prices re-migrant Guyanese are being charged for developed house lots at Providence. A couple of things. No one’s holding a gun at the heads of the re-migrants to cough up the dough.
They can buy land in any part of Guyana. If they’re paying the asking price, it should be obvious to even a dimwit that re-migrants believe the land at Providence is worth it. Nigel Hughes has his house and land right next door at New Providence. Would he care to tell us the price of a house lot in that exclusive and gated community? You bet he wouldn’t! Believe me – it’s a darn way above Gy$7 million!
And what’s this about Jagdeo’s “oceanfront” land, Hughes is carrying on about? He used it at least 20 times in his tirade to imply that ‘ocean front’ somehow makes the land more valuable. He’s either playing to a non-Guyanese gallery or he thinks Guyanese are stupid. For the former, he’s dishonestly suggesting that Guyanese “oceanfront” property is as expensive as those in the Caribbean!
With their white beaches and “blue” ocean Caribbean “oceanfront” properties are among the most expensive in the world! Everyone in Guyana knows that our ‘ocean front’ is invariably occupied by squatters from Charity to Corriverton. Hughes says he wants to get some Guyanese ‘ocean front’ property at Gy$5 million per acre (Jagdeo’s purchase price).
Just get in touch with the Eyewitness at this newspaper. We know of several miles available!!

Envy and anger
For the umpteenth time we have to explain the compulsion deep within people like Nigel Hughes to hit out so spitefully at people like former president Bharrat Jagdeo. Carl Greenidge falls into the same category and that’s why he’s going obsessively spending all his time in Parliament feverishly working to strip Jagdeo of his pension benefits. It has nothing to do about ‘savings’ for the country – but everything to do with ‘salving’ their battered egos and those of their class.
This class believes that they should rule Guyana. It is their birthright. People like Jagdeo should be cutting cane and planting rice to feed their class. They know how to swirl brandy and dine high off the hog in air-conditioned mansions. Jagdeo’s house reminds them that their pretentions are ludicrous and will not be tolerated any longer. It’s not the size of Jagdeo’s house that bothers them – the one built years ago to the west is just as large and also has a pool – but that it belongs to Jagdeo.
People like Jagdeo should “know their place”. Incidentally Hughes, Jagdeo’s home village of Unity has a lot of available “oceanfront land”!

Can’t please everyone…
The opposition demanded an overseas-stacked Linden CoI. Now they’re complaining about the costs!! Only a lynching of Rohee would’ve satisfied them.

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