Spank them…

…for breaking the law?

If there was any need for proof that Khemraj Ramjattan has become even less than a “Christmas blow-blow”, there is his threat to “spank” the policeman who disobeyed his charge to care for the new Chinese vehicles.
Why should a police rank listen to a man who can’t even comment on the President’s unconstitutional intrusion into appointments to the Police Force, when he (Ramjattan) can’t even make a suggestion on deploying the Crime Chief!?
First Ramjattan gushed as to how Blanhum was the best thing since sliced bread, and that he (Blanhum) would be back at work ASAP because of his aforementioned excellence in solving crimes. But after Blanhum was effectively demoted by being posted as assistant to the commander of “A” Division, Ramjattan now claims this is “no big thing”! He obviously means he (Ramjattan) is “no big thing” with the Administration and Police brass. After all, the demotion of Blanhum can only mean Ramnarine thinks Ramjattan’s judgement is flawed! After President Granger’s call for a CoI following the handling of the investigation into the ‘assassination threat”, shouldn’t Ramjattan now demand a CoI into Ramnarine’s stiffing him?
But your Eyewitness wonders about Ramjattan’s righteous indignation at the Policeman’s lapse, which caused him to think of “spanking”. Was Ramjattan going to put the Policeman over his knees for the spanking…or was he going to bend the fellow over and use a “wild cane”? Then again, this spanking business is quite a hit, your Eyewitness understands, in this era of sexual liberalism. Does Ramjattan go in for whips and chains? And does he have a Dominator’s costume? The mind boggles!!
It also boggles because Ramjattan has been so silent on the “Case of the Buried Bonus”. He’s the Chairman of the “major” coalition partner with the PNC/APNU, so doesn’t he think he owes some explanation to his AFC supporters as to how their Leader could conspire with Jordan to bury US$18 million – AND THEN LIE ABOUT IT!! Doesn’t Ramjattan’s blood boil and make him rise up in anger to spank Trotman’s bamsie?
But hold it!! Maybe Trotman did tell his Chairman about the loot! After all, they must’ve buried the old hatchet now that they both advised President Granger over coffee and scones that it was okay to reject Jagdeo’s list!
And this brings us to a very serious point: It’s not just Trotman and Jordan who must be investigated; everyone who knew of the deep-sixing of Government funds must face the heat.
That they might’ve been ordered or told about it in confidence is irrelevant. Once they suspected an illegality was being committed, they’re compelled to spill the beans!
Bun dem, not ‘spank them”!
…for knocking Chinese
Only with the PNC!! That’s all your Eyewitness could think when he read Finance Minister Jordan’s reply when asked why Chinese firms are snagging all the big contracts. The question, of course, was prompted by the PNC’s persistent and strident criticisms of the PPP Administration when THEY were using Chinese for projects. The criticism reached a crescendo over the Marriott, which elicited picketing and protests.
This is what Jordan said: “If the Chinese companies are coming and winning the bids, what can you do? Is not to throw up your hands. These firms are bringing a level of technology that we don’t have. They are bringing a level of efficiency that we don’t have. Let’s call a spade a spade. A typical example is the Marriott. At what stage the Marriott would have been today if it was being built by a local company? This is not chastising the local company, this is a reality situation.”
Is Brassington now gonna get an apology?
…for Soylent green?
Your Eyewitness noticed a celebratory occasion involving the patriotic folks running our National Trust. He immediately wondered what happened to their protest over President Granger (illegally) painting State House green. A negotiation for another colour? Even a slap on the wrist? A spanking?

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