South Georgetown CPG cluster maintains high performance

Dear Editor,

The community policing group (CPG) members of the South Georgetown cluster continue to lift their operational standards of performance in an exemplified manner tremendously.

On October 11 at around 04:40h, another car hijacking was averted when a mobile vehicle patrol CPG team, comprising rural constables (RC) Dhillon DeMendonca, Donald Joseph and Selwyn Forde, along with CPG members Ezekiel Mandesir, Keenan Abrams and Edward Adams, were approached by a male, who informed them of the hijacking incident.

They responded promptly, and managed to intercept the said car on Mandela Avenue, Georgetown, where the occupants had fled and managed to make good on their escape, abandoning the car.

Only recently also, RCs Forde, De Mendonca and Renville Griffith, on October15, received certificates of commendations and awards for the rescue of a female taxi driver from a hijacked taxi. This act was committed on September 11 at around 13:30h on Jamoon Drive, Meadow Brook Gardens.

The CPG team members were then on mobile vehicle patrol duties when they observed the said taxi suddenly, in a suspicious manner, stopping on the said street. As the patrol was approaching the vehicle, two men then exited and ran away into the direction of Sophia, making good their escape.

The patrol team members, however, on approaching the vehicle closer, then heard the sounds of a female voice emanating from within the vehicle, pleading for help. On closer observation, the patrol then saw the said female lying on the back seat of the car with her hands and feet tied up.

They then rendered assistance and untied her, after which she then informed them that the said two men had hired her to drop them off at Stevedore Housing Scheme, where on arrival they placed a gun to her head and robbed her of Gy$260,000 in cash and her cellphone.

They then drove her to Jamoon Drive. The matter was then reported to the East La Penitence Police Station.

The members of the National Community Policing Executive (NCPE) take this opportunity to commend this cluster group on the sterling performance level that they are maintaining and wish to encourage them to continue giving of their best in this community service.

Yours respectfully,

Edward A Persaud

Public Relations Officer



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