Some should get ban like Shah Rukh!

Shah Rukh Khan get ban fuh five years from entering a cricket stadium in he homeland. Officials seh de “star” behave in a “unaccepted manner”. That apparently led to a scuffle and to de ban. Some seh Shah Rukh think he was rehearsing a “action scene” fuh a movie! Others seh de security shoulda let he in since dem know who he is. Apparently de security thought it was a “body double!” posing as de ” Star”! Dem didn’t tek chances given past terrorists attacks in India and thought that Shah Rukh was still hold up at a U. S. airport because of he last name! People divided pun de matter. Some seh de stadium security eyes pass Shah Rukh while others congratulating de security fuh doing dem wuk by monitoring people despite who dem is.

Here in Guyana, it gat a certain man who claim he is a “star” and doing a set of lawlessness by “bullying” people everyday just because he own a “rag newspaper”. Plenty was said about this before, but given de plenty lies and fabrication de “mukracker” paper printing, people calling fuh a body fuh monitor what de cesspit putting out so that de lies and mek-up stories can stop. Dem could even monitor what de others putting out too. People seh de paper owner using de undeserved title as “publisher” fuh buy “social status” People remind he that “class” is something yuh does attend, not buy! Apparently he see “bullying” as de “currency” and “freedom of expression” as he “passport!” People seh de man gat to be a “class act” without de first two letters! That aside, people also calling fuh monitoring of de music use fuh national events.

At de Independence Flag-raising ceremony last Friday, one would expect sheer Guyanese music fuh play when de children was dancing. But dem dance a Chutney song done by a Trini and other music from foreign! What happen to music from Chutney singers here? Dem just “watching” it? After all, de same ministry boast how local Chutney music really good! What happen to other dance music we mek? People seh Independence was to give de country a new identity and that is why it gat it own flag! Remember sometime back when de Mash ad was running with a foreign song as de theme music? People sehin is time fuh that to be “flagged” and maybe somebody should be banned from entering de National Park Stadium fuh de next flag-raising if dem planning fuh play music that foreign to here! No excuse, not even if is Shah Rukh! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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