Some seh “Speakers” gon mek Parliament a nuisance!

Sometime last week, de House, through de western side, one-seat extra, pass another motion, this time fuh remove all barricades from around de premises while it in session. Pontificating Anil from de government eastern side, oppose it, sehin it pose threat to security. De opposition side that propose it, seh de barricades prevent citizens from their rights fuh assemble peacefully. Well, plenty people worried because only recently when there was a “peaceful” protest outside de House, some of de citizens push down de barricades and try fuh go in even though dem not MPs.
De same thing happen de night when Uncle Go-cool announce de results last December and also outside de Hall of de City pun Nomination Day. Given that kind of “peacefulness”, people worried about what gon happen now that de barricades gone! Some asking if de House gon now have grill-work instead of barricade! Dem asking who gon monitor who going in since de police use to do that behind de barricades!
In addition, de Speaker planning fuh put speakers outside de House so that people who outside can hear what going on inside. Some asking what is de purpose of that since without de barricades, de people outside might end up inside anyway! Dem also asking if de “speakers outside” mean that de Speaker would put de MPs outside fuh speak, or he gon put up some “walls” of sound system! If de latter is de case, dem sehin it might be cheaper fuh hire some minibus and pass de audio feed through it. Whatever de case, speakers outside would mean a noise nuisance and would affect de schools, de church and other entities around. It would also mean that de police would have to get involve to quell de nuisance.
Imagine de report coming in, “hey officer, a want yuh fuh tek action because Parliament in a nuisance!” Some sehin it already is given de one-seat scenario! Ting-aling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattier tell mattie!

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