Some really know how fuh hide

It gat some people who always hiding. Some seh right away de police people who does be hiding behind a tree or in some nook and then suddenly appear with de radar gun fuh catch speeding drivers, come to mind. Dem seh de hiding sometimes is not just fuh catch speeding drivers, but fuh “catch” something else. But that is another story. Plenty times yuh pal who borrow a “freck” from yuh and promise fuh pay back months ago, does be in hiding just like some who does be hiding from others to whom dem owe “offspring support”.
People also seh it gat some who always gat something fuh hide. Dem seh some does gat fuh hide milk from de cat, de yard-fowl egg from de dog and fry fish from a family member who don’t consider others gat fuh eat. Pun a more serious note, some family members does gat fuh hide de “spirits” from another member fuh try and prevent related abuse.
Sometimes, unfortunately, de actual hiding does lead to abuse. As a matter of fact, some seh that hiding does end up leading to something. In most of de cases, it does lead to getting catch! Just de other day two ladies get catch in a foreign place when dem try fuh hide illegal substance in dem hair! Apparently dem thought de weaving was a good nesting place fuh things like that. What some find strange is that de substance gat weight and dem want fuh know how de ladies was able fuh keep dem head balance during de long hours of waiting at de airport and during de flight!
Not only that, but dem had fuh put it in long before that! People asking if de ladies had fuh end up hiding from sleep! While some does hide de “thing” in different things, fuh put it pun yuh head fuh so long is amazing. People seh it even more amazing de way de “mukracker” owner trying fuh hide certain things. People want fuh know how he doing that and still keeping he head straight! Dem seh it gat some who could really do a balancing act when dem gat things fuh hide! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend mattie tell mattie!

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