Some people woulda never survive under Burnt ham

In de good book, one man sell out he soul fuh a few pieces a silver. Since then, no body ever wanna take that man name fuh dem self. And no mummah and daady would ever name dem pickney by that name. That is how shameful it is when a man sell he soul fuh a lil small change.

Nowadays people does still sell dem soul fuh a lil small change, although dem does never wanna accept that dem behaviour is just like de man who name begin wid “J” in de good book. Or sometimes even wuss than that.

It got some people in de town who got some real stupiddy people around dem. Some a dem is even de boss man. Burnt Ham never used to like stupiddy people around he, and every body know that. If some a dem stupiddy boss men was around Burnt Ham, dem woulda never survive.

It got one poticlar boss man around de town. If he had ever come across Burnt Ham, he woulda get knock down right away. Some people used to try hard fuh tolerate this boss man, but dem couldn’ta tek it no more.

Wid Burnt Ham, yuh coulda never have stupiddy people around de place. If yuh tink that is lie, ask people nowadays who wuk wid he. At

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